Saturday, December 05, 2009

More Moments

The moment I first saw you

was the moment I first knew,

that no matter how long

our next moment would last,

it would be a special moment

that was spent too fast.

Life has its moments

each strung, side to side.

Moments ebb and flow,

like the ocean’s tide.

We’ve shared stolen moments.

times forever treasured.

Parceled liked teaspoons of sugar;

not as carefully measured.

We’ve planned our moments too,

but when we did, they drifted through

like evening fog

rolling across the bay.

I need more moments with you!

More moments

to gaze upon your eyes and lips

and tender face!

Moments to feel

your tight embrace!

Moments to soothe our pain,

and to rediscover,

each other,

once again.

Please, some more moments!

Hear my plea to you.

Would you please call,

when you have a moment?

Because I just need another moment

to say,

I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Karl,
    Great song -- I'd love to hear some of these to music. Do you have any musician friends you can team up with? I would sure listen.
    Best regards,
