Thursday, February 25, 2010

I Could Write

I could write about fanciful places

and all the wishes I pin to the stars

I could pine for more late evening dances

or cuddles beneath toasty blankets with our favorite candy bars

I could share how longings still haunt me

even though reason has long since escaped.

Pen stories of romantic notions

with knights and maidens, and villains in evil so draped.

The aroma of flowers embrace you

from whom, were they sent?

Powerless to woo you

or to even plan such an event.

Left here to wonder about your hair

and how it falls down your spine.

And rest assured, as I wonder aloud

I also wander about my mind.

Your social graces

and charms

silver bracelets

that clang like alarms.

Just beyond arms length

too far to grasp.

Bewildered by some things

that remain unasked.

Let the poets ask the questions

and singers belt out with soul

For the writers or other dreamers,

their words get flushed down the bowl.

1 comment:

  1. Your poem is enjoyable in that one glimpses into one's thoughts. It feels like a glimpse of spring while wrapped in a blanket watching winter. Comforting.
