Friday, September 06, 2013

The Silence Brings No Comfort

The silence brings no comfort
The nightfall no relief
The whirling fan blows hot air
for spite, and fuel for grief.

Was promised there'd be thunder
a storm to soak the air
It passed without a whimper
Left only droplets of dispair.

Past the days of longing
for skin to press against.
Logic and reason and knowing
all have been dispensed.

The vessel is now empty
there's nothing more to give.
Murky waters may hold something
but I'm without a sieve.

Used to step along the edge of the continent
and shout from the shore
Would battle imagined seamonsters
as if slaying them would bring a cure.

Lonely is the night
Silent are the days
Quiet in the mornings
Stumble, in a sleep deprived haze.

Deprived of touch
and passionate kissess,
of dreams to share and
silly wishes.

Echos of laughter
moans of delight
It's lonely in the silence
and hallow of the night.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Cafe Kissess

Perched on a stool in a darkened cafe
Leaning close into each other
Searching for the words to say.

Words elude them
Overrated nouns
Inadequate adjectives
Paragraphs written with only eyes

Lips crease upward
Then part for a kiss
Smiles and sighs
For the things that were missed.

Fingers interlock
With a trusting grip
Music drips
from speakers above.
A crooner crooning his thoughts
On love.

Be it imagined
Or remembered
Forgotten or lost
It still brings a swooning
No matter the cost.